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Questions and Answers

Certainly if you did not find what you were looking for on our website you can write an email to info@fitnessdancecruise.it or contact us on Whatsapp or Telegram at +393203173759 or our exclusive agencies at +390481 791096 or +39043834082.

If you would like to participate in all our onboard activities, parties and initiatives you need to book through our website or our agencies, if you have already made your reservation otherwise we suggest you write now to info@fitnessdancecruise.it

You can pay conveniently online by credit card or by wire transfer.

Upon confirmation you will pay a deposit of 300 euros per person, the balance should be made about 45 days before departure.

If you have purchased the cancellation policy and cancel for one of the reasons provided in the policy, you must open the claim immediately. We recommend that you email info@fitnessdancecruise.it. If you have not purchased the policy, you will have to pay the penalties listed on the Important Information page, which vary depending on how many days are left until departure.

To get info on any group discounts (6 cabins and up) you need to email info@fitnessdancecruise.it specifying the number of cabins required.

The cruise is open to all.

Certainly you can always take advantage of all the services offered by the ship.

Cruise tickets will be delivered via email in the approximately 7 to 2 days prior to departure; since this is a group departure, the timing is different from individual departures.

Valid identity card or passport. Foreign citizens residing in Italy will need to bring their passports and residence permits. They must be the same as the ones you reported to the agency. In case a Guest shows up on the day of departure without the required document, he/she will not be allowed to embark and will not be entitled to a refund of the cruise ticket.

There are no special limitations, but it is recommended, in addition to carry-on luggage, that only one piece of luggage/suitcase be brought per person.

Medicines, computers, cameras, valuable or delicate items must be carried on board by hand. In any case, the dimensions of hand luggage must not exceed 55x35x25 cm in order to allow for X-ray screening.

For fitness activities bring your own appropriate clothing depending on the activity.
A pullover or jacket is useful to protect against temperature changes between air-conditioned rooms and the outdoors.
In the “Diary On Board” (the daily schedule of planned activities on board) you will find suggestions on what dress to wear for dinner at the served restaurant, casual or formal.
For shore excursions, we recommend sportswear with comfortable shoes.
For possible visits to religious sites, we recommend appropriate clothing.
For hygienic reasons, it is essential to enter the gymnasium with athletic shoes intended for this use only and with appropriate clothing.
On board, in the cabin, you will find beach towels available free of charge for solarium and pools and to take ashore on beach excursions. Also, don’t forget the clothes for the evenings….

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